Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kokomo Opalescent Glass

In business since 1888
The furnace, 2500 degrees
At the correct moment, 4 workers dip ladles into portals
of the furnace and gather the molten lava, quickly
transferring it to the mixing table, then they return
to the furnace for the next batch.  
One by one, they pour the molten glass onto the table.  
The mix man lifts, drapes, and stirs the mixture quickly
until he feels it is right.  Too much--bad.  Too little--bad.
No two pieces will be exactly the same.
The mixer keeps the thickness consistent as it feeds
through the rollers.
You can see a tiny glimpse of the extruded sheet of
molten glass behind the rollers.
On the other side of the rollers, after a sheet has
annealed and cooled to about 200 degrees,
cutters check the sheet for consistent color and thickness,
then they trim the sheet.
Colors used by Tiffany and others from the early 1900s
are still in the product line along with new ones.

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